“How’s it all goin’ for you
folks? My name is Earl, Earl Knox and this here fuzzy blond bear next to me is
Hank Grisset. Don’t be eye-ballin’ him too hard, he’s mine and he’s already a
right mess to live with as it is. He’s just too damned cute for his britches.
And them’ll be coming off just as soon as we get done here ‘cause this old
grizzly needs to fill get his Hankerings. But first, we’re
here to tell ya’ll about our story. It’s the derndest thing too. Ya see, me and
Hank, we’ve been together for some time. But lord do help him ‘cause he’s had
to put up with another anchor in my life that has also kept as apart. Right up
until now.
See, we live up in the
Poconos, and most folk know everyone around here, except they didn’t know me
and Hank were anything more than just buds. We learned real quick, coming out
in a small town can erase friendships in a heartbeat. But that’s not what this
story is really all about. It’s about this plane that just showed up out on the
lake at our dock one day and well… **chuckles** … well she does an interesting
trick that gets us both a little buggered. I can’t tell you about it just yet,
it’d spoil the surprise. I know, I know, I don’t much like surprise myself
either. But Hank here… well, you can just blame him if you want. He’d done it
to me first.
Just let me warn you, Hank
and me, we’re not young cubs. While Hank to me look good enough to nibble on.
But for those of you who like looking at tem young studs on those internet
sites and Yeah I know which ones, me and Hank look too, but we’re both big boys
with considerable fuzzy stuff, not a razor in the house. But if you don’t mind
meaty lumber jacks and love a good mystery, you’re sure to like this story
about us and our plane from nowhere.
Thanks for having me here today!!! ~Princess so